Tips for Starting a Breathwork Practice
The breathwork movement is flourishing in the Australian wellness scene, making it one of our fastest-growing natural therapist activities. If you’re eager to delve into the world of breathwork and are considering starting a Breathwork practice, you have come to the right place.
1. Fall in-love with Breathwork and complete Formal Training
First and foremost you need to LOVE what you do and have a passion for helping others. Before you embark on teaching others, you must undergo formal training and education in Breathwork. Look for reputable training providers that offer comprehensive breathwork practitioner training. This will ensure you are building trust and credibility in your practice and with your future community.

2. Creating a Business Plan is a must.
We know, this part sounds daunting but don’t let that stop you. The Australian government offer a range of free resources for start-ups and small businesses including a step-by-step template for a Business Plan.
3. Establish a Budget
As part of your planning process, create a budget that estimates your revenue, costs, and startup expenses.
I know, I know, where do you possibly start with this one, well rest assured there are more free resources that the government are offering! Check out their free online calculator here to help determine your start-up cost. There is a little bit of homework required here, but trust me it is all worth it.
4. Choose the Right Location
Selecting a prime location is crucial for attracting your target audience. Ensure the space is easily accessible by public transport, provides convenient client access, has ample space for comfortable seating, and offers sufficient parking. If you want to keep the cost down initially you may want to consider, local beaches/parks, however, the key here is to check with your local council to ensure you are allowed to offer your services there.
Offering your services online may also be an option and a good way to create a streamlined income. It will also help attract those not in your area or with the ability to get out and about.
5. Implement a Solid Marketing Strategy
To promote your breathwork practice effectively, develop a robust marketing strategy. This step is going to send you back to the government’s free resources with their free Marketing Plan – Honestly, this thing covers it all and is going to set you off on the right foot!
6. Last but not least - Insurance
After all this hard work, you don’t want to risk losing it all from one little mistake. At AUZi, we have created a specialised policy that includes Professional Indemnity and Liability Insurance to ensure your new business and your assets are safeguarded. The best part is, that you can get a quote and place cover all in a matter of minutes online. The team has taken the time to understand your practice, and the potential risks to ensure we have you covered.
By following these tips and partnering with AUZi Insurance for comprehensive coverage, you can confidently start and grow your breathwork practice in the dynamic Australian wellness landscape.
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