6 Tips for Improving your Market Stall Display
Ensuring that your market stall presentation is eye pleasing is more important than many think. Below we will cover 6 tips for improving your Market Stall presentation. Remember, if your stall doesn’t turn heads, it won’t attract the sales you need. Considering this, your stall presentation is a make or break situation. Though we know not everyone carries a creative flare. Here are some easy tips you can follow to improve your market stalls appearance.
Give your stall a pop of colour
This is so important, but for more reasons than one. Adding a pop of colour to your Market Display can help you stand out from the crowd, but adding too much can just add insult to injury. There’s a reason peacocks only have a few colours.
Choose a theme of one or two colours that go well together. For instance, if a majority of your products are the same colour like tan coloured wood, you could choose a pastel blue and red for your stalls trimmings.
On the contrary, if your products are vastly different colours, do the opposite and choose a neutral colour for your stalls trimmings.

Don't overdo your product display
There’s no need to have 10 of the exact same product out, all it does is make the space look over cluttered, and distracting. Display each of your products, but only a couple. If you’re displaying a large number to simply fill a large stall, then it’s time to downsize your market stall space.
Set up a demo of your product
It’s important for customers to get a grasp of your product before purchasing. You can show them a demo in many ways. This can be done by offering samples, displaying the product in use, or wearing the clothes you sell.
Be Unique
You may not be the only candle stall at the market, but you can differentiate yourself. When planning your display, product packaging, or price packaging, consider what your competitor is doing. If you are unique, customers will remember you, spread the word, and drop in for a visit at your next market.
Since you are running the stall, you are the first point of contact that customers have with your business. So, don’t forget to put on a smile and welcoming vibes. A stall holder that sits on their fold out chair, looking bored scrolling through their Facebook feed will ruin all the hard work put into making the stall look presentable.
If you’re passionate about your Stall and the Products you’re selling (which we hope you are), your bubbly and energetic personality will be the cherry – or eye spot – on top (I had to Google Peacock anatomy for that one)…
Balance your display
When considering how to display your products, spread them equally across eye level, above eye level and below eye level. This will make your stall look impeccably neat and easily navigated when browsing products. You can even use Canva’s new Flyer Printing options to spruce up your stall display, without the need of a professional designer.
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