Fudge Obsession by Melissa – Featured AUZi® Stallholder

What’s your name?
Melissa Lopez-Perez
What is the name of your business?
Fudge Obsession
How long have you been trading?
18 months
What products do you sell?
Handmade chocolates – fudge and rocky road
What sells the best?
What markets do you trade at?
Genuine Farmers Market
How did it all begin?
We are farmers and run beef cattle. So many markets would not allow us to sell our meat so we have to look for something to be able to do. We have a big citrus orchard and so I use the oranges to infuse into chocolate and get a Jaffa flavour. Since then we have many more flavours.
What do you like most about being a stallholder?
Seeing people enjoy my product and socialising with other stall holders.
What do you like least about being a stallholder?
Having to pack up the stall at the end of the market
Where do you see yourself in 5 years time?
I have no idea.
What one piece of advice would you give to a new stallholder?
Give it time and you will sell your product. Don’t expect to sell the first couple of times.
Any funny stories to share about your time as a stallholder?
We bought a cheap gazebo and a wind swept through. I ended up grabbing the bottom part of the gazebo and found that the top had blown away. It was a gazebo that was more of a look at me but don’t touch me type.
Do you have a Facebook page you would like us to feature?
Attach a picture ideally of yourself, your stall or your products.